The Future’s Made Of Virtual Sensuality
The days of the holodeck are upon us in the modern world. Where we used to just watch shows and movies with virtual images, holograms, and vast imaginative mindscapes, now those things have become realities. The fantastical nature of yesterday’s science fiction blazing forth into our actual reality, gives the sense of awe we all felt years ago some serious credence. Science fiction has become more science fact, and the things we dreamed of, but thought weren’t possible, have become realities.
Thankfully all of these advances have extended into the realms of the erotic, and the porn industry has been at the forefront of maintaining close ties to the increasing technological advances. Watching people strap on headsets, or enter into entire chambers or virtual worlds, with wide-eyed looks on our faces, is now a thing of the past.
This is the era where VR games has become an incredible gateway into the sensual meanderings of our imaginations. Lawnmower Man may have awakened many a person’s thoughts of what virtual sex would be like, but best VR porn games is now available for you to actually be a part of. Choosing the type of porn star you’d like to be in the virtual room with, as the POV action gets hot and steamy, is now a reality.
There are different attachments that add to the accessibility of different physical sensations, with gloves and body suits now being real there are less and less limitations as to what you can experience in the free VR porn games world.